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Draft Minutes for August 24, 2021 Virtual Board Meeting

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Board of Trustees Meeting

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

3:30 pm Moulton, Alabama

Rescheduled from August 12



a. Meeting called to order by Katie Yarbrough at 3:26 p.m.


a. Present: Katie Yarbrough, Leah Hembree, Debbie Bowerman

b. Also present: Rex Bain

c. Absent: Daisy Harris

d. Vacancy: District two board member Rheta Harrison submitted her

resignation from the board via email on July 28th.


a. Read/Approve Minutes

i. Motion made to approve by Bowerman, seconded by Hembree

ii. Motion approved unanimously

b. Next meeting date scheduled for Oct 14th @ 3:30 p.m.

c. Secretary-Treasurer Report

i. No Report

d. Director’s Report

i. Financial Review

III. Bank Balances as of 8/23/2021

AccountBalanceComp Ck 0001 $ 10,520.06

Business Savings $ 1,704.73

NPer MMA 0002 $ 79,857.23

ii. Door Counter

iii. Stats

iv. Grants

III. LSTA 2021

a. Grant Expenditures completed and reimbursed

b. Have had issues with slow shipping items that came in after

the deadline.

i. As we are under budget in Material expenditures, using Material budget to pay for items.

IV. LSTA 2022

a. $45,000 approved for RFID Technology

b. Will require a local match of $11,250

c. Total grant expenditures of $56,250

v. Director vacation

III. Balance of 164 hours of annual leave accrued as of 8/6/2021

a. Must use 84 hours prior to Oct 1, 2021 or forfeit

b. Will take Thursday, Sept 2 through Friday, Sept. 10th off.

c. Will have to attend the Commission Budget meeting on

Friday, Sept. 3

d. Will have to take the balance before the end of the month

IV. Director typically takes one week of vacation during the last two

weeks of October.

a. This will depend on the health of the Director’s parents.


a. Grant funding for Jamex Coin Machine

i. Left on the table

b. APLS Required Training:

ii. A minimum of two board members are required to complete the training as of 9/30/2021

III. Previously discussed all Board members taking the training so if one trained member resigns or completes their term(s), we do not violate State compliance guidelines

IV. Have been advised we have met the minimum requirement of two members completing the training:

a. Katie Yarbrough

b. Leah Hembree

iii. No action taken as this was informational

c. COVID-19/Pandemic Planning

i. Motion made to not extend operational hours or resume in-person programming at present due to a surge in COVID cases by Hembree, seconded by Bowerman

III. Bain advised the waiver to continue operating less than 40 hours per week ends the beginning of the new fiscal year. We will have to file another waiver for FY2022.

ii. Motion approved unanimously

d. Credit/Debit Card Processing

i. Motion made to discontinue accepting checks as a business practice with the exception of donations or items approved by the Board, example, puppet house deposit.

ii. Motion made by Bowerman, seconded by Hembree.

iii. Motion approved unanimously

e. Patron issue

i. Discussed a historical issue with patron account 22484000008979 as information

III. Bain advised the board he has previously informed the patron she could appear before the Board to discuss her fines as only the board has the authority to waive her entire fine/fees, but she has not done so.

IV. Bain advised the Board as staff recently informed him the patron returned.

ii. No action taken as this was inform new board members of the issue


a. FY2022 Budget

i. Motion made to approve proposed budgets for FY2022

III. First proposed budget requests increased funding from the Lawrence County Commission and is the preferred budget

IV. Second proposed budget is with level funding from the Lawrence County Commission if increase is not approved

ii. Motion made by Hembree, seconded by Bowerman

iii. Motion approved unanimously

b. Staff pay during non-budget related closures

i. Library Board policy has been to continue paying staff for non-related budget closures, i.e., primarily inclement weather and pandemic related closures, in accordance with our policy, procedures, and pandemic plans.

ii. There is no policy to continue paying employees who must quarantine while the library remains open.

III. Accrued sick leave is eligible for an employee who must quarantine.

iii. Seeing no need to adjust current practices at present, no action was taken.

c. Patron Records Retention Policy

i. Motion made to purge patron records after four years of inactivity on the account, excluding those with fines/fees attached to their accounts

ii. Motion made by Hembree, seconded by Bowerman

iii. Motion approved unanimously

d. Dr. Seuss collection

i. Motion made to return Dr. Seuss items to circulation by Bowerman, seconded by Hembree

III. As information, items discontinued by the publisher earlier in the year, were pulled from circulation given the concerns of their skyrocketing value. Libraries reported finding the books for sale online between $500 - $1,000

a. The books were removed from circulation to permit the board to evaluate if the prices continued to increase should the materials be returned to circulation, be added to a non-circulating collection, discarded, or sold

b. Only two titles are in our collection: If I Ran the Zoo and And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street

ii. Motion passed unanimously

e. Rheta Harrison has resigned from the board

i. No candidate identified as of now

ii. Yarbrough indicated she might know some people in Hatton who would know of potential candidates.

III. Yarbrough is going to reach out to those contacts

iii. No further action

f. Recognize Daisy Harris for her years of service.

i. While Harris was not present, the board expressed appreciation for her years of service.

VI. PUBLIC COMMENT (Not Recordable; 5 minute limit)

a. No comments


a. Meeting adjourned by Yarbrough at 4:54 p.m. without objection

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